To add a new reservation manually on the Vikey dashboard, follow the steps below:
Select “Reservations” bottom from the menu on the left and click on “New Reservation” in the top right-hand corner
Fill in the various areas with the required data:
select the apartment from the drop-down menu
enter the guest’s first and last name and email address
the link with the opening buttons will be sent to your guest by email
check-in date and time / check-out date and time
this area is used to indicate the validity period of the opening link
Remember to tick “enable e-mail communication” otherwise we will not be able to send e-mails to your guest
You can choose whether to use our default email or a customized one created by you.
The other areas you see are used to enable or disable reminders that are set to your guest to remind them to check-in if they have not already done so.
In addition, if you wish, you can tick the item to be in CC in sent emails so that you don't lose track of them
Notification upon creation: the email arrives to the guest as soon as the reservation lands on Vikey;
Remind 7, 3, 1 day before arrival: is sent only if the guest does not complete the online check-in process after the first email is sent;
Mail of completed check-in one day before arrival: sent after the guest has completed the online check-in and the host has confirmed the documents. This contains the link with the open buttons.
Choose from the items indicated which information to request from your guest:
payment of the city tax through Vikey
payment of the stay through Vikey
mandatory payments
In order to request payments, you must first connect with Stripe. If required, payments will be made by the guest after uploading the documents during the online check-in process.
submission of documents (essential to request online check-in for your guest)
signing of a contract (uploaded by you in the portal)
request invoice of your guest
4. To request documents from your guest(s), it is important to tick “Documents”
Choose from the different entries whether:
request to specify the number of guests
request from the group leader only the front/back photo of the document
request from all your guests the front/back photo of the document