To create a custom procedure, follow the steps below:
Select the Settings button and then Custom check-in from the menu on the left of the dashboard.
Click on the New custom check-in button, this will automatically open the area for naming the new online check-in procedure you are creating.
You can select in which language to set up your personalized check-in. We recommend creating at least one in Italian and one in English. To change the language, simply click on Italian and select a new language and then flag “Enable template language”
You can request additional information from your guests compared to the Vikey Default procedure such as:
- documents from all guests: you will be asked for the document type and number for all guests in the reservation and not only form the leader of the reservation
- document expiration date
You can customize the texts of the various pages that appear to the guest during the online check-in process by editing them or writing them from scratch
You can add extra fields on the Information page (such as requesting the check-in and/or check-out time)
You can also add extra fields on the documents page (such as tax ID code or other data not required by default during the check-in procedure)
If you have activated integrations, remember to associate the customized check-in instead of the Vikey Default check-in. Here's how to do it:
Select Settings from the left-hand menu and then go to integrations:
Go to the profile of the unit for which you want to insert the new template and click on edit:
Select the drop-down menu below Online Check-In and set the new template, then click on Save.